Dan Tindle

This blog has been set-up to be a place to share your "happy" memories and experiences with Dan. Some of these will be shared at Dan's memorial on August 30, 2014 at 12:00noon at the Center for Spiritual Living at 1195 Clark Street in San Jose, CA. If you do not wish to have your post shared, please indicate by saying, "Please do not share."

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dan Tindle

Danny Roustin Tindle unexpectedly passed away on 8 /8/14 at the age of 49.   
Dan loved to socialize with his friends and enjoyed movies, good food, hiking, traveling and meaningful conversations. He was a devoted friend who was able to build intimacy and deep connections with those he loved. He made people laugh and cry, with the capacity to touch someone's heart with ease and grace. He loved making people happy and would go above and beyond to help a friend in need. He had a generous spirit that touched many lives. 

Dan believed that the spirit is eternal and that we do not die but are simply energy that changes form when we cross over. He also believed we are all connected by spirit, like a "splash in the ocean is part of the entire ocean."

Dan is survived by his parents, Curtis and Barbara Tindle, brother Gavin Tindle,  a niece, Evelyn Tindle and numerous friends who loved him dearly. 

A celebration of his life will be held on August 30 at 12 noon at the Center for Spiritual Living located at 1195 Clark Street, San Jose, Ca 95125. 

If you would like to Donate on behalf of Dan's generous spirit, please donate money to support the San Jose & Services Organization where he found Tommy:http://www.sanjoseanimals.com


  1. We're like comets flying through the sky, randomly passing each other whenever the fates allow. Our stars crossed (Dan's and mine) during a movie screening more than 10 years ago. He barged into the press section and took a seat next to me. He didn't know he was in the press section and we chuckled about it and it was a fun, instant connection and I told him to stay. I wondered what would have happened if dear, sweet, wonderful Dan had not barged into that section that day. Actually... I do not want to know. Dan stretched me---to be more honest with myself, my feelings, my heart. We connected on matters of the heart; deep things. We laughed. We cried. We hung out and were buddies. We were roommates for a time. His generosity and big heart .... well, sometimes the realization of this two things snuck up on you. BOOM. Wow. What a giving soul. Honest. Not one to hold something in. He had a persistent grace about him even in the midst of the madness we humans often experience. In many ways, Dan was the brother I never had. Somebody to turn to; somebody that was there. Somebody that wouldn't let me get away with my own nuttiness and confusion. He showed up. He often shined. Now he's in the heavens. And like a star, I'll know he's always there. He'll be missed. He'll be loved. But he'll be there. Right there---a sparkle in the glorious sky. WITH LOVE, GREG ARCHER

    1. Beautiful. They read this at today's gathering. Thanks for this.

    2. Beautiful post! Dan used to be our neighbor when he lived at the Robertsville Townhomes in San Jose. He used to bring us soup that he made for us to share, the kindest neighbor that one could have. We lost touch since he moved, but I was hoping to get back in touch with him. Unfortunately too late.
      Rest in Peace, Dan! We will always remember you as the best neighbor we ever had.

  2. I met Dan over 25 years ago. I was immediately touched by his sense of self love. The way he seemed comfortable with his strengths, weaknesses, talents and imperfections.I wished I was like him. He could laugh at himself and seemed so comfortable in his own skin. It wasn't until sometime later that I learned, this had not come easy to Dan. He had been on, and was still on a journey of self discovery and growth. Of the many gifts he gave to me, he helped me in my own journey, allowing my heart to heal and open again when I never thought it would or that I even wanted it to.
    Dan and I had a friendship, that like most, would go through different cycles. But whenever we would reconnect, it was as if no time had passed.We had recently reconnected and started travelling again. Our next trip was yet to be planned. I am so very sad for myself. Sad for the time I won't have with him, trips we won't take, laughter that we won't create and pizza we won't share. But I am being selfish. I am not sad for my dear friend, as he lived his life to the fullest and without regrets creating an example of how we all should live this life.He didn't want to just be in the world, but make a better world. He did leave the world a better place and all of us better people for having known him.
    I was on my couch last week having a pity party, mourning the loss of my friend. I was watching some tear jerker of a movie doing the Oprah Ugly Cry in full force, when out of nowhere i heard Dan say, " Really, Hun?". I had no choice but to start laughing hysterically, and I still do every time I think about it.He just couldn't let me sit there sad and pathetic.It just would not do.
    Every once in a while, I have deer in my backyard, which surprises me since I live in Orlando Florida. Dan was visiting last year, and sure enough a deer came into my yard to eat the flowers off the shrubberies. He told me that Native Americans consider deer a sign of peace. Well, yesterday I was looking out my french doors when, a white tailed deer was closer to the house than I had ever seen looking right at me. I know that was my beloved and irreplaceable friend still taking care of me, letting me know that he is at peace and we all should be too. I love my Dan always.Rachel

    1. The deer is a wonderful metaphor. They also read this today.
